Shame on you Maimoona. You call your an Alima and prove youself a Jahila. You are a blasphemous of 3rd grade. It's high time you repented for the blasheme and vow not to repeat the same kufriya kalimaat in future. However you have to do Tajdeed-e-Iman as well as Tajdeed-e-Nikah to remain in Islam.
Shame on you Maimoona. You call your an Alima and prove youself a Jahila. You are a blasphemous of 3rd grade. It's high time you repented for the blasheme and vow not to repeat the same kufriya kalimaat in future. However you have to do Tajdeed-e-Iman as well as Tajdeed-e-Nikah to remain in Islam.